Dear Leah,
Saturday April 29th was another wonderful day for The Terry Fox Foundation as we hosted our Annual Run Organizer Workshop with more than 40 volunteers who traveled to Terry’s hometown of Port Coquitlam from 20 different communities around our region. it was a day full of inspiration, laughter and a chance for everyone to come together and share ideas and meet their fellow volunteer Run Organizers.
We were inspired by a beautiful presentation by Terry’s brother, Fred Fox, who shared what his brother’s legacy has meant to his family and why it must continue for Terry. We heard a story of courage and hope from ten year cancer survivor Kayte Gyles who at the age of 16 was diagnosed with dysgerminoma, an adolescent form of ovarian cancer. We were enlightened by organizers sharing how the Terry Fox Run takes place in their community and saw a fantastic presentation from our marketing and communications department on how we work to share news of the Run and how we are here to help our Run Organizers have the very best Terry Fox Run in their community. It was truly an inspiring day for all who attended.
Every year, it is a privilege to host our workshop and thank our wonderful volunteers and show them the respect and appreciation they deserve for the thousands of hours they spend raising funds for The Terry Fox Foundation and cancer research. Your donation hotel stays for our out of town guests was greatly appreciated!
I look forward to an opportunity to continue to work with PoCo Inn and Suites Hotel in pursuit of Terry’s dream…a world free from cancer. We are deeply grateful for your support!
With warmest thanks,
P.S. So grateful for your years of support ?